Apply as a UNMGCY youth rep on Technical Session Organising Teams for the European Open Forum on DRR

In March 2017, Turkey will host the first European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) Open Forum, a meeting which enlarges the process beyond officially-mandated experts to non-governmental organisations and others working at the interface of disaster risk reduction, sustainable development and climate change.
This is a call for youth to join the organising teams that will help shape the various substantive sessions of the 2017 EFDRR Open Forum.
Do you want to be part of an organising team? Read on to find out how you can express your interest to be part of an organising team as a youth representative. 
1. Which session do you want to be involved in? 
Open this table and review the list of sessions you can be an organising team member of.

2. Which role do you want to have? 
Think about if you have the time to lead UN MGCYs role in the organising team or prefer to be part of the support team. Please list your name in the tab where you wish to be, either in the lead or support team. You can list under both tabs as well.
  1. List your name in the table linked above by Wednesday 14th COB GMT. Put your name under the session you want to be engaged in, within the column of either lead or support (or both). You can contribute to multiple sessions, however you can only apply to lead one session.
  2. We will review the table and get back to you by noon on the 15th. In the review, we will select one lead per session.
More information about what entails of an organising team member can be found in the attached Terms of References. You can also apply directly as an individual, but please do not mention UN MGCY in your application as we will also be confirming our nominations directly with the EFDRR secretariat. 
Please note that we ask for the primary focal points to be MGCY members living or studying in Europe. If you’re not based in Europe then you can still get involved – why not join the support team for your preferred session?


