Youth Training Workshop on Flood and Drought Risk Prediction and Management

Global Water Partnership, Yaoundé, November 03rd and 04th 2017

This blog was prepared by : Lako Stephane (lakostef@yahoo.com) and Yemdji Anne (anneyemdji@yahoo.fr) from Water for Life Cameroon

See final report here.


On the 3rd and 4th of November 2017, the training workshop on flood and drought risk prediction and management was held at the headquarters of the Global Water Partnership Central Africa (GWP-Caf) in the Bastos Valley (next to FAO), organized by the Water For Life Cameroon with the support of its partners (GWP-CAF / GWP Cameroon, UNESCO, World Meteorology Organization, Water Youth Network).

This workshop is one of the two workshops planned for youth capacity building within the frame of “ENHANCING YOUTH PARTICIPATION TO FLOOD AND DROUGHT DISASTER RISK REDUCTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (EYD2R)” project. This project aims to involve young people in raising awareness, communication, research and action in risk reduction and improving resilience to water-related natural disasters (floods and drought) in a context of changing climate.

Welcoming ceremony

The opening ceremony of the workshop started with three speeches:

  • Mr. Hycinth BANSEKA, Regional Coordinator of GWP-CAF, on behalf of the President of GWP Cameroon, Ms. BOOTO was unavailable for this session.
  • Mrs. ELOUGA Murielle, Administrative and Financial Assistant at GWP Cameroon
  • Mr LAKO Stéphane, Executive Secretary of Water For Life Cameroon

Mr BANSEKA Hycinth thanked Water For life Cameroon for the initiative and welcomed the participants and experts. He thanked the partners (UNSECO, OMM, WYN) for their multiform support which contributed to the good organization of this workshop. He also pointed out that this project is in line with the GWP 2014-2019 Youth Strategy, the Water and Climate Initiative and the promotion of water security in Central Africa with a view to achieving the SDGs.


The following presentations were given on Day 1:

Introduction to the EYD2R project and its partners by Anne YEMDJI (Water For Life Cameroon) exposed the participants to the EYD2R project piloted by W4L-Cameroon, whose training workshop is one of the major articulations.

A review of the concept, occurrence, causes, effects, and associated risks of flood and drought in Cameroon and in the world by Dr. TSAMA Valérie (MINEPDED) clarified the concepts of flood, risk, hazard, disaster, vulnerability, and emergency.

A review of concept, occurrence, causes, effects and risks associated with Drought by Dr. TSAMA Valérie (MINEPDED), showed the differences in the concepts of drought and aridity, as well as deforestation and desertification, and explained examples of drought in Cameroon and around the world.

Approaches and tools for flood and drought risk assessment (administrative approach) by Mr. Bessala Valère Bertrant (DPC, MINATD) provided simplistic definitions of the concepts (flood, flood, risk, exposed elements) for completing assessments and discussed the possible disaster risk management measures.

Approaches and tools for flood and drought risk assessment (operational approach) by Mr. Guy Ketchatcham Ngamy Expert-Consultant in Disaster Management and Director of Cabinet White Dove Company, returned to key concepts of vulnerability, susceptibility, resilience, risk and disaster. Then he developed risk analysis approaches and definition of appropriate local actions.

The following presentations were given on Day 2:

Legal and Institutional Framework for Flood and Drought Risk Management in Cameroon and Internationally by MOUKOUE Joseph Maurice, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Specialist at Water For Life Cameroon, looked at regulatory tools and institutions at the global, regional and national levels.

Government policy and action for managing flood and drought risks in Cameroon presented by Miss MENDOMO Marthe, head of Nature protection department. This outlined Cameroon’s drought control policy – based on the DLDD approach (Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought) and the institutional and functional unit providing support services to assist people exposed to floods or drought. Policy is based on regulations, institutions, local measures and practices.

Concepts and approaches of Adaptation and Mitigation by LAKO Mr. Stéphane, Engineer, Expert in Water Management and Executive Secretary Water for Life Cameroon, talks about the concepts of adaptation and mitigation. He stressed the importance of targeting the scale of intervention and the purpose of it.

Sharing experiences on Approaches to Responding to Climate Change: Lessons from ICRAF Activities by TSAFACK Sygnola Tsafack, Expert Consultant in Agricultural Advisory Services, reminded the missions of the International Center for Research in Agro-Forestry and highlighted some innovative approaches to adaptation to climate variability in agriculture and agroforestry.

Youth engagement, actions and involvement in DRR by Lydia CUMISKEY, DRR Team Coordinator at the Water Youth Network presented the WYN as “An inclusive connector in the water sector with a vibrant community of young professionals and students, and across disciplines” that aims to connect science policy and practice.


Interactive session

The group work was held over two days with homogeneous groups, grouped according to the origin and knowledge of the study area.

Their objectives were:

  • To identify the difficulties associated with flood and drought in each of the sub-basins
  • Identify research, development and action opportunities posed by flood and drought risks

The groups were facilitated by Mr NGUELEODAI Joseph, Water Planning Expert and two experts from Water For Life Cameroon. The groups consisted of 6-7 participants each.


Major recommendations


  • Introduce flood and drought prevention actions into local development plans and operationalize community-level disaster relief plans in line with local resources.
  • In the prevention and management of floods or droughts focus on integrated and systemic approaches, as well as simple actions to reduce the exposure or vulnerability of communities.
  • Strengthen collaboration between research, communities, advisory services and civil society.
  • Develop adaptation support professions in each of the sectors vulnerable to the effects of climate change.



The two day workshop mobilized 4 volunteers from Water For Life Cameroon, 10 experts from MINEPDED, MINADER, DPC, Cabinet White Dove, Water Youth Network, and Water For Life Cameroon who allowed to build the capacity of 24 young people from:

  • 6 regions: Littoral, Center, East, North and Far-North and West;
  • 3 Universities: University of Yaoundé 1, University of Dschang, University of Maroua
  • 4 Engineering Schools: ENSTP, FASA, FMBEE, ENSPM;
  • 10 Organizations (2 IE Foundation, GIZ, ProCISA-GIZ / GADD, CED, GWP-Caf, W4L Cameroon, JVE, Newpadur, RGAE, JAD);

These young people saw their capacities strengthened on:

  • The EYD2R project and its objectives;
  • Concepts related to flood and drought risks, their causes and effects, as well as national and international policies, as well as resilience (adaptation, mitigation) measures related to floods and drought.

The youth identified: the main constraints related to floods and drought in five watersheds (Mfoundi, Wouri, Menoua, Logone and Chari, Mayo Tsanaga), 21 research ideas and 21 adaptation project ideas or flood prevention and drought prevention.



  • The Minister of the Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development for his support of this initiative
  • The Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization for his support of this initiative
    The National Director of the Resilience Program of Populations to the Effects of Climate Change (REPECC) for his accompaniment
  • The Director of Civil Protection in Cameroon for his willingness to support this initiative
  • The Global Water Partnership (Cameroon and Central Africa) for the opportunity granted to young people in Cameroon to benefit from multiform support for the implementation of this project and the organization of this workshop;
  • UNESCO (Regional Office and National Commission of Cameroon) technical support provided in the implementation of this project;
  • Water Youth Network for ongoing support in implementation, monitoring and communication in this project;
  • Youth for Water and Climate and UN Major Group for Youth and Children for the promotion of youth initiatives for water and climate;
  • The World Meteorological Organization for technical assistance and resources made available to young people for this project;
  • All the young people who volunteered to participate in this project.

Contact information

Mail : waterforlife.partner@gmail.com

phone/watsapp : (+237) 675 35 87 95

Facebook : Waterforlife Cameroon