Mr Abualfailat is a graduate in Water and Environmental Sciences from Birzeit University with academic work on industrial effluent from stone cutting industries in Hebron District. He was later appointed by Palestinian Water Authority to follow his work on his academic thesis. Then in early 2012, he joined as a Protecting Ground Water Project Manager in Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME), which deals with capacity building for municipalities for both human and institution dimension.
What is your motivation in water sector?
As Water knows no border, I found myself through my previous positions can make a dynamic change toward sustainable water management system in Palestine and neighboring countries, in term of pollution control and treatment at regional level. The work that I did is still my first step in water and sanitation in term of capacity development of local authority. I am highly motivated to work in same areas for next five year in this sector, taking into consideration the parameter of political, financial, social, and technical situations in the region.
What project/campaign/work related to water sector you are leading (or you have lead)?
I’m leading a Protecting Ground Water project in Palestine which focuses into capacity building for municipalities in term of institution and human resources to protect the ground water in six district in the west bank, (Jenin, Tulkarem, Jericho, Bethlehem, and Hebron), which almost finished with six GIS Hazards system and Implementation plan to alleviate Hazards in the selected village municipalities. This project is funded by EU and implemented with FoEME offices in Amman-Jordan, Telaviv-Israel, and County council of Malaga-Spain.
In addition to that I have the core role into bringing international media, decision makers, ambassador, consular, and environmentalist to show how the political challenge become as an obstacle toward sustainable management for water and sanitation. Now, I have another important role in Water Cannot wait campaigns implemented by FoEME to advocate decision maker in Palestine/ Israel about the importance of making the water issue away from political situation and atmosphere.
See the following links:
- Thomas Friedman visit:
- Arte TV,CmC=7800852.html
- Jerusalem Post about the achievement s
What are your success, failures and learning?
- Success:
- I became a team leader to create the hazardous reduction and prevention guidelines implementation plan in six Palestinian districts over three water aquifers.
- Recently, I become an active member of ESCWA-WGWG (Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia- Water Governance Working group), which is a water governance expert group including professors, academics, and decision makers.
- I success to bring the attention of wastewater discharging from illegal Israeli settlements to Palestinian villages in different places in west bank, and show the dangerous impact on water, ground water, and soil see the link:
- Failure:
- Convincing some decision makers, mayors, and community actors to cooperate over conflicted boarder still the main obstacle to implement many plans toward the sustainable water and sanitation management in Palestine.
- Lessons learned:
- Under occupation and hard political situation I learned to be neutral and give the real situation as it is.
What do you think is greatest water related challenge in your region and how can it be addressed?
In Palestine and Israel the main water related challenge is the political challenge, since there is adequate amount of water with very good quality, and the only obstacle is the policy maker upon political atmosphere and since the water a vital essential element for any kind of human activity I found the political situation is the main challenge.
What message you want to share with other water youth leaders?
Water sustainability, integrity, and affordability need cooperation over boarder and should be the tool of peace, love, and partnership, rather than a tool for conflict, war, and corruption.