Vincy Abraham
Stockholm World Water Week 2018 Coordinator
Vincy Abraham is Water Youth Network’s Communications Coordinator. She was one of few young professionals selected by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) to receive full funding to participate at the Stockholm World Water Week 2018. Vincy is a policy, communications strategies, and partnerships development professional with a heart for spatial justice and equality especially in the access to basic services and amenities. She has authored several papers in the field of development and urban planning and has spoken on behalf of the youth and children constituency at the United Nations. She is the Communications and Partnerships Manager at Apnalaya India, an organization working for sustainable development among underprivileged communities through their integrated community development programs in water and sanitation, livelihood, education and health.
Philip Kruse
Philip is a disaster risk researcher at the Institute of Spatial Planning at the University of Dortmund, where he is also currently completing his master degree in urban planning. Since his bachelor studies, he has been working on urban water issues, which lead him to becoming a part of the Water Youth Network. Here he is working in the DRR thematic group and coordinating the human resources team.
Sofia Corradi
Sofia Corradi is a part of HR and WASH teams at WYN. She is a Brazilian Civil Engineering student at UFMG, an intern at HIDROBR, working with sanitation and water resources management and projects. She has researched on indigenous peoples rights to water and sanitation and she is current involved with water cycle in resilient cities.
Kelly Fouchy
Kelly is a young water professional from France working in the field of Ecohydrology. She graduated with a Bachelor in Biology from Brighton University in the UK in 2012 and a Master in Ecohydrology from IHE Delft in the Netherlands in 2014. She worked three years as a project coordinator at IHE Delft on projects related to integrated water resources management and environmental flows in African freshwater systems. She is currently studying and developing water harvesting, recycling and sewage disposal techniques to increase water conservation at the household level. Kelly joined the Integrated Water Resources Management team at WYN in 2017.
Lako Stephane
He is a Water Resources and Service Manager. He has 10 years’ experience in water, sanitation and agricultural engineering, planning, training, scientific writing and field work both in urban and rural area. He holds an Agricultural Engineer Degree from Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences (University of Dschang, Cameroon), MS in Integrated Water Resource Management held in International Institute for Water and Environment (2IE) in University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Msc in Water Management (speciality Environment). He is pursuing a Water Resources Management PhD program (specialized on climate and urban change adaptation in urban wetlands. Lako is actually a member of DRR Team at WYN and chair a local NGO Water For Life Cameroon implementing WASH and DRR projects in Cameroon.
Anne-Marie Albrecht
Anne-Marie Albrecht is a Stormwater Risk Management specialist, currently working for the German government. She has a broad background in earth sciences after having finished her undergraduate degree as B.Sc. of environmental sciences at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen. She then focused on Flood Risk Management with an international Erasmus Mundus M.Sc. in Water Science and Engineering – specialization Flood Risk Management at UNESCO IHE (Delft, NL) and several partner universities/companies in four countries. She joined the WYN in 2016 and has since been active as coordinator of the core project of developing the YouKnoW! platform.
Younoussa Abbosouka
Younoussa is a young professional from Cameroon working in the field of Water Resources Management. He studied Hydrology and Water Resources Science at the University of Yaounde in Cameroon, and at present he is finalizing MSc in climate change and water management.
He has gained expertise in the implementation of Water Resources Management through his work as manager at Blue Rayame, a social purpose based in Far north region of Cameroon with a satellite office in Palo Alto, USA from June 2017 – present.
He understood the importance of connecting with youth to solve water-related issues. So in October 2016; he joined Water Youth Network (WYN). From October 2016 to March 2018, he was the co-coordinator of the IWRM thematic group, which is composed of more than 40 members from all over the world. He is also the WYN focal point for the United Nations Major Group of Children and Youth (UNMGCY) and IWRM internal focal point for Human Resources.
Younoussa’s vision is get an environment where youth are involved in the decision making and have the opportunity to speak up and share their experiences with seniors in different sectors so that they can join forces together for a bright future.
Dona Geagea
Dona is the Global Lead for the Water Innovation Labs with the Canadian organisation Waterlution, supporting their global expansion in new regions around the world. Water Innovation Labs are front-running immersive leadership development trainings for emerging leaders and young professionals in the water sector. She has spent 8 years a stakeholder engagement specialist in the water sector working with creative methodologies and techniques to propel people and projects at the intersection of social and water innovation. Dona holds a Master in Water Governance and a joint graduate diploma in Water Without Borders from the United Nations University – Institute for Water, Environment and Health. She is trained in Art of Hosting, Processwork, Systems Theory, Cooperative Games and Conflict Resolution. She joined the Water Youth Network in 2014 and combined with her work, she has hosted and facilitated workshops internationally at week-long Water Innovation Labs – Canada, Scotland, Netherlands, Portugal, India, Australia; Budapest Water Summit; 7th World Water Forum in South Korea; Singapore International Water Week, 8th World Water Forum in Brasil, and more. Her experience ranges from working with indigenous elders in South America, to presenting in corporate boardrooms in North America.
Juanita Ayala
Juanita is a Political Scientist from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota- Colombia. She is interested in exploring the relationship between water, peacebuilding and social cohesion processes. She has experience working with rural communities in Mexico and Colombia, enhancing local participation and water governance at a base-root level.
Anna San Llorente
Anna San Llorente Science communicator and marine biologist, who is currently developing her knowledge in Water Science. Master student of the Erasmus Mundus program of Groundwater – Global Impacts and Adaptations, and volunteer for the communciations department of the master program. On the side of her studies she is developing her own science communication channel, Artichoke News, to normalise sciecne and make a positive global impact.
Oclaya Verwey
Oclaya Verwey holds a MSc. in Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering from the IHE-Delft institute. Originally from the Republic of Suriname. As a young water professional she worked at the water company of Suriname where she contributed to a hydrological assessment of the coastal aquifers in Suriname with the aim to guarentee water resources availability for the comming 50 years. Currently she is working at the Evides water company in Rotterdam, Netherlands as a management trainnee. Besides her job as a young water professional she is also passionate to contribute to the aims of SDG 6 through the Water Youth Network, where she is part of the advisory board and the WASH working group.
Deepesh Jain
Deepesh is a Civil Engineer with masters in Water Policy and Governance. He has worked on multiple projects of water resources, irrigation canals, drinking water supply for slums, innovation hub for WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) and innovative designs for social problems. Currently, he is in Faridabad, a city next to Delhi working to improve WASH of the city with multiple partner organisations. He has specific interests in urban drinking water and sanitation, micro irrigation, solar pumps, packaged drinking water, 24X7 water supply, free lifeline water and water for all. He also works as an anchor (mic-coordinator) and part time tutor where he teaches mathematics and science to high school students. If he is not working, he will love to have a discussion on feminism, environmental issues, city transportation, start-ups, travel hacks, local markets, open source technology and food.
Camilla Hellen Peixoto de Lima
Camilla is a young water professional from Brazil. For the past 7 years, she worked with research related to water quality, assessment of the hydrological impact of dams, environmental licensing of dams, rain-flow modeling, water allocation and environmental flows. She holds a BSc. Eng. in Environmental Engineering from Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia ÁREA1, a Master degree in Environment, Water, and Sanitation from Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil Currently, she is a Doctorate student in Civil Engineering-Water Resources and Environment, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, where her topic of research is: Environmental flows to support water management in a participatory manner in a Brazilian watershed committee: a case study. During her Ph.D. period She did a 12-month exchange program as a visiting scholar at the Texas A&M University, USA. Camilla is Member of Water Youth Network and has been contributing to the IWRM working group and of OMA-BRASIL (Non-governmental Organization of Civil Society for Public Interests) since 2015 working with technical chambers of Brazilian watershed committees. She was also participated in two innovation labs, one in Denmark and another one in Brazil in 2017.
Maria Alvarenga
Maria is an Environmental and Sanitary Engineer graduated at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) in 2016, in Brazil. During her bachelor, she co-founded an Engineers Without Borders unit in Lavras and was engaged in projects of agroecology, rural sanitation and solid waste management. She studied for a year in Freising (Germany) and was an intern at the Sanitary Engineering Department at the Technical University of Munich, through the Brazilian program Sciences without Borders. After graduation, she worked as a consultant for water and sanitation projects and as a trainee at AEGEA Saneamento, where she worked with the operation of wastewater treatment plants and environment quality control. There, she felt the need of improving her knowledge on the sanitation topic and started her Master studies at IHE Delft in the Netherlands, on the program Urban Water and Sanitation. Maria has a Rotary International scholarship and will finish her studies in April 2019. Her main interests are sustainable sanitation, resources recovering and decentralized wastewater treatment. In her free time, she likes to go climbing and enjoys being out in the nature.
Imran Jalalkhan
Imran Jalalkhan is a young water and agriculture professional from Mombasa, Kenya. He studied a Bachelor in Soil, Water and Environmental Engineering at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in Kenya. He has consulted for a renewable water project for UNIDO between 2011 and 2013 and in 2016, revamped an aluminum factory wastewater treatment plant in 2015 and currently the Project Coordinator for a water project at the Coastal Kenya for Siemens Stiftung. He has worked mostly with communities in rural Kenya in achieving the SDG’s 2 and 6. He is a member for IWA and from time to time reviews abstracts submitted for water conferences and have joined the thematic group on wastewater in IWA.
Sebrian Mirdeklis Beselly Putra
Sebrian Mirdeklis Beselly Putra is from Indonesia, he started his PhD at IHE Delft in April 2018, at Water Science & Engineering Department, under Coastal Systems, Engineering & Port Development Chair Group. His research interest is in Coastal Eco-geomorphological Change in a Vegetated Estuary. He obtained a bachelor degree in Water Resources Engineering (2011) as the best graduates of Faculty of Engineering from Universitas Brawijaya (Indonesia) and continue to double master degrees in Civil Engineering (2013) from Universitas Brawijaya and University of Miyazaki (Japan). Currently as a lecturer in the Water Resources Engineering Department, Universitas Brawijaya from 2014. Besides his lecturing activities he also actively involved in Indonesian Association of Hydraulic Engineers and experienced in consultation services in the field of coastal protection and water resources.
Andrea Vargas
Andrea is an Environmental Engineer. She received her degree from the Bolivian Catholic University of Cochabamba. She is from Oruro, Bolivia. She has experience working as a volunteer for local environmental campaigns. Her specialty is in Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Systems. Since 2015, she has worked for the Gaia Pacha Foundation collaborating on projects. Currently, she working on projects related to climate change promoting family gardens with small production and as a researcher attached to the research “Resilience of Local Productive and Food Systems in the Face of Climate Change” together with CESU, UCB, GTCCJ, AGRECOL and other institutions. Also she is working in projects about taking care the Rocha River in Cochabamba with initiatives about monito macro invertebrates in the river to qualify the water with citizens and promoting school brigades with projects about water and taking care the Rocha River.
Fatimatou Sall
Dr. Fatimatou Sall est titulaire d’une thèse de doctorat unique en Géographie sur l’urbanité et la biodiversité : Etude de la résilience d’un Système Socio Ecologique en milieu estuarien (Saint-Louis du Sénégal).
Elle est chargée de projets et d’études à l’Institut Africain de Gestion Urbaine en même temps chargée de cours à la section de Géographie de l’université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis et membre du groupe de recherche sur la Gouvernance des Territoires de l’Eau du laboratoire Leidi: Dynamique des Territoires et Développement. Ses recherches tournent autour du triptyque Eau-Ville-Environnement. Elle est auteure de plusieurs communications et articles scientifiques autour des concepts de vulnérabilité, de résilience, de services écosystémiques et de gouvernance en rapport avec les problématiques liées à l’eau et à l’environnement en milieu urbain.
Membre de l’Association des Jeunes Professionnels de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement du Sénégal (AJPEAS) depuis 2014, elle est responsable du sous comité en charge des manifestations scientifiques.