Connecting You(th) on Water Issues!

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

WASH and technologies working group currently has 15 active members and we are looking for new talent to join us.

Aim of the group:

WASH and technologies working group has the aim to bring together young professionals around the world, who are experienced or enthusiastic about WASH to share experiences and knowledge through online and offline events.


The main activities the WASH team is involved with and aims to be involved are:

  • Participation and organization of webinars which discuss WASH related topics 
  • Participation in global events and give a voice to young water professionals
  • Engaging in global debates about SDG 6


WASH Coordinators

Rebecca Madeleine Bushby

Rebecca is a Norwegian WASH enthusiast who has been coordinating the WASH and Technologies thematic working group since 2017. 

She is a Water, Sanitation and Health Engineer with a background in international development and humanitarian aid and has previously been engaged in WASH and health projects in Kenya, Indonesia, Lebanon and Belgium. Currently, she is working on a Community Based Surveillance project for disease outbreaks with the Norwegian Red Cross.

For any questions relating to the WASH group, please reach out to Rebecca. Her LinkedIn profile can be found here and her email address is

If you want more information about how to become a member of the WYN, you can find the information here.




Marion Nonglaton

Marion is the co-coordinator for the WASH Group, currently she lives Haiti. She holds a Master’s degree in Water Science and Technology Engineering and a Master’s degree in Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for International Development. She has 5 years of experience in developing countries including 2 years in Haiti and 2 years in Honduras working specifically with Household Water treatment. She has managed a WASH project in rural and remote areas of Honduras where she has developed new programs including menstrual hygiene and WASH teacher training. For a year and a half, she has been Country Director for Pure Water for the World in Haiti, she manages a team of 27 people and projects in 3 different departments. She recently helped the government of Haiti to develop their National Strategy for HWTS.

Her email is and her LinkedIn profile can be found here.