The Water Youth Network and IWA Young Water Professionals would like to invite you to be a part of our workshop on the 5th November from 2pm till 4pm.
The workshop is entitled Bridge builders: gender perspectives of bridging the inter-generational gap in the water sector. The issue of the inter-generational gap, we believe, is a significant challenge both internationally and nationally, as those involved in development strategies tend to be more established role players, with many years of experience. As “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created our problems” it is vital that we meaningfully engage the next generation in global problem solving. Bridging this gap is a means of ensuring that younger generations of both genders are a part of the process of designing and shaping the future they inherit.
Please join us as we unravel this topic with guest speakers Ms Eiman Karar from the Water Research Commission; Paul Msoma and Sakhile Khaweka from WaterAid; and Moa Cortobius from the UNDP Water Governance Facility. Following this we will facilitate group discussions as we determine what the role of the youth is in this regard.
More information on the workshop programme is provided in the workshop summary.