The 22nd of May is designated by the UN as the international World Water Day. This year’s theme was Waste Water and to gain attention about waste water reduction. This year the Water Youth Network in collaboration with UNESCO-IHE carried out 2 events to celebrate the International World Water Day.
You can check all events that took place during World Water Day here:
A flash mob!
The first event, in which we intended to reach the general public, a total of approximately 40 UNESCO-IHE participants carried out a flash-mob on a water related song, to draw attention of the public at Delft Market square. After the flash-mob, participants distributed folders with some facts about wastewater to the general public, to get them familiarized with the theme of this year and raise awareness about wastewater reduction, reuse and improvement of the water cycle.
Before the flood
The second event consisted of the presentation the documentary “before the flood” presented to UNESCO-IHE participants. The movie was followed up by a talk by Prof. Joyeeta Gupta about this year’s theme.
You can find out more about the film here:
The WASH team was responsible for organising this activity and the following
members were part of the organising team:
● Viviane Virgolim
● Adele Young
● Oclaya Verwey
From Unesco-IHE the following persons contributed to the event:
● Samar Helal
● Ruth
● Christianna
Thank you for your great work!