Izola, Slovenia: The kick off meeting of the new ‘Youth in action for Sustainable Development Goals (YiA4SDGs)’ project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union took place from May 3rd to 5th, 2016 in the beautiful city of Izola in Slovenia. Water Youth Network (WYN), as one of the nine project partners from Asia and Europe participated in the meeting and facilitated a session on SDGs. Alix Lerebours and Shabana Abbas represented the WYN and will be working on the project for its entire duration.
The main objective of the YiA4SDGs project is to create awareness about SDGs amongst the youth and build capacity of selected youth in leading innovative projects that also help address the 17 SDGs. The project has already launched an innovation competition for the youth in Slovenia, Vietnam, Philippines, France, Romania, Nepal, Greece, Thailand and Bulgaria.
WYN is now accepting applications from young individuals/organisations from France. Deadline for submission is May 20th, 2016. The selected youth from this competition will be invited to attend a fully funded training course in Romania from July 2nd to 10th, 2016.
More details about the project and innovation competition can be found from: http://youthact.net/